Dog Bites
Call 855-65-CRASH for Mt Clemens & Metro Detroit Michigan Dog Bites Attorney & Lawyer Services

Get the facts: If a dog bites a person, without provocation while the person is on public property or lawfully on private property, including the property of the owner of the dog, the property owner shall be liable for any damages suffered by the person bitten.
Dog Bite Attacks in Michigan
The number of dog attacks in Michigan are all too common – 6th most in the U.S. – and can lead to permanent disfigurement or injury, psychological trauma, or even death.
Michigan Dog Bite Law
Whether or not the dog has been known to be vicious in the past is irrelevant in Michigan dog bite law. It also doesn’t matter if the dog has always been docile and gentle. The Michigan dog bite law protects individuals who have been invited to the dog owner’s property as a guest, customer, or client, and also extends to people who are on the dog owner’s property because of any duty imposed upon them by state law or U.S. postal regulation.
If you have been a victim of an unprovoked dog bite or attack – this can include injuries suffered because of an animal’s claws or being knocked over by the animal – you may have the right to recover damages from the dog’s owner, contact Femminineo Law today for a no-cost consultation. Let us help you get the compensation you and your family deserve.
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You are entitled to seek maximum compensation for your suffering, whether you have personally suffered a physical injury or lost a loved one due to wrongful death. David C. Femminineo’s personal injury experience has resulted in substantial settlements for his clients.