The word from the legal world

Working With Your Personal Injury Attorney

Personal injury cases can be a very long, frustrating process that requires an abundance of patience throughout the process. An extremely common misconception among clients is that they assume that if they do not hear from their attorney for an extended period of time then the attorney must not care about their case. Even if you do not hear from your attorney for several months, understand that most of the attorney’s work is done behind the scenes without you knowing. Attorneys are constantly working behind the scenes to obtain all of the information necessary to increase the value of your case as much as possible. Also understand that there are so many aspects of a personal injury case that are completely out of the attorney’s control that can have a major impact on the timeline of the case. Attorneys will almost always wait until the client’s medical treatment has completely concluded to start the litigation process. Attorneys also very often have to deal with insurance companies intentionally prolonging the case through unnecessarily long investigations, requesting unnecessary information, intentionally slowing down the negotiation process by offering lowball offers, and much more. Insurance companies try their best to make the case as long as possible to increase the financial pressure on the client in hopes that they will settle for a smaller amount of money out of desperation. A lot of times, attorneys will also have to deal with court backlogs and crowded dockets, delaying the timeline of the case even further. These are just some of the many aspects that add significant time onto the case that the attorney has no control over.

Communication Is Key

In personal injury cases, it is extremely important to keep an open line of communication with your lawyer to discuss any issues or questions you may have. Creating a positive relationship and working as a team with your lawyer and his co-workers will do nothing but smooth out the process of your case and increase your chances of getting as much compensation as possible for your accident. However, successful lawyers are extremely active in handling their clients’ matters. They are constantly in court, arguing and trying cases. Therefore, it may be hard to reach your lawyer at times. This is why it is important to demonstrate patience throughout your case as the main goal of any successful lawyer is to maximize the value of every case and get their clients as much money as possible. This is also why it is crucial to develop a relationship with the attorney’s secretary or assistant as they are also constantly working towards the settlement of your case behind the scenes. Any question you may have regarding your case can most likely be answered by the assistant.

Your Patience Can Really Pay Off

All in all, if you hire a professional, successful lawyer like the lawyers at Femminineo Law, remain patient throughout the process of your case and understand that cases that are settled faster than usual are generally rushed and settled for less than the case was worth.

At Femminineo Law, we are constantly working to get our clients the maximum amount of compensation possible in as little amount of time as possible. If you or anyone that you know has been injured in an accident, call the experienced team of lawyers at Femminineo Law at 855-65-CRASH or visit our website at

Hire the best personal injury lawyers in Michigan

Femminineo Law, PLLC is Michigan’s finest personal injury firm. He has succeeded in recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for victims of highway accidents, medical malpractice, slips and falls, and for wrongful death matters throughout the State of Michigan.

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