The word from the legal world

Femminineo Attorneys

We Never Stop Fighting – Client is Paid $350,000 After Case is Thrown Out of Court Twice!!!

Prior to his trip and fall, our client, Jeff was a 57 year old successful salesperson and a well respected high school basketball coach.  He had been working and coaching basketball his entire life.  He was married with grown children.  All was going exactly as […]

insuring friends and family

The Dangers of Insuring Family Members or Friends: Fraud

It started off innocently enough. Your 16 year old child has just obtained his or her drivers license and he or she is living with you.  You buy a car and now it’s time to get insurance. First and Foremost If you have a child […]

Deposition Preparation

Deposition Preparation

You have filed your lawsuit and the defendants have been served. One of the next and most crucial steps will be the taking of your deposition. What is a Deposition? A deposition is the one and only chance that each of the defendant(s) get(s) to […]

Jury Trial

Will My Case Go to Trial?

You have been injured in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident and you are suffering.  You feel as though you are clearly not “at-fault” for causing the accident and you feel as though your life has been forever changed as a result of the injuries […]

Michigan auto insurance law

When You Are a Michigan Resident Under Michigan Auto Insurance Law

Michigan has a four separate and distinct seasons.  Many people who call themselves “Michiganders” try to find someplace warm to get away from the harsh cold of Michigan winters.  These “snowbirds” sometimes leave the state for periods of greater than 30 days. This presents some […]

Michigan Mini Tort Law

Michigan Mini Tort Law

One of the most common issues following an auto accident surrounds the question of who will pay for the damage to your vehicle. Michigan is a “No-Fault” State Michigan is a “no-fault” state.  That means that each party involved in an auto accident looks to […]

Semi Truck Accident

Accident With a Big Truck or Commercial Vehicle? What Happens Next.

Accidents that involve commercial vehicles (including big trucks) can be devastating and are often tragic.  There are dozens of potential causes of these accidents and it is crucial that you get an experience truck accident lawyer involved early in the process.  Experts must be retained […]

Motorcyclist Medical Bill Claim

Where Do Motorcyclist Claim Medical Bills for Auto Accidents in Michigan?

Your warm and sunny motorcycle ride gets ruined by an collision with an inattentive driver….and now you are injured.  Who is going to be responsible for paying your medical bills under Michigan law especially considering the drastic changes that have taken place in the recent […]

Car Accident with Postal Truck

What Happens When You Are Involved in an Accident with a U.S. Postal Service Worker or Another Worker for the U.S. Government

It is important to know that if you are involved in an accident with a postal worker or another agent of the U.S. Government (FBI, U.S. Marshal worker etc.) you should act the same way that you would after any accident.  Here are some steps […]

Medical Bills Auto Accident

What Are Your Rights After You Have Been Injured In An Automobile Accident In Michigan?

Michigan is known as a “no-fault” insurance state. As a result, you must look at two potential sources of recovery: Your own automobile insurance carrier The other driver and their automobile insurance carrier What Are My Rights Against My Automobile Insurance Company? In Michigan, you […]

Car Accident Damages

What Car Accident Damages am I Entitled to Against the At-Fault Driver in Michigan?

Under Michigan no-fault law, MCLA 500.3135, there are two main categories of damages that you are entitled to against the driver who caused your accident: #1 Economic Damages Economic damages are just as they are called…damages for your economic loss.  If you were employed on […]

medical bills from car accidents

You are Involved in a Michigan Auto Accident – Who Pays My Medical Bills?

Being involved in an automobile accident is scary enough.  The pain and mental anguish that goes along with being injured can be overwhelming.  Another major source of stress for victims of auto accidents in Michigan is the stress associated with the payment of the medical […]

causes of auto accidents

7 Common Causes of Auto Accidents

You take your life into your hands every time you get behind the wheel of your vehicle. There are so many risks when you’re driving, and even though you might be careful about every move you make, it’s impossible to trust that other drivers will […]

memorial day safety tips

Memorial Day Safety Tips: Avoid Personal Injury Accidents

Memorial Day is the official start of summer, and with that event comes plenty of long-weekend celebrations. Everyone is so excited to kick off the season, and to have three days in which to do it, that they try to pack in a whole ton […]

pedestrian accidents

Pedestrian Accidents: Deaths Continue to Rise

A new report by the Governors Highway Safety Association looks at the number of people killed while walking during the first six months of the past three years. Overall, from January 1 through June 30, pedestrian fatalities across the nation increased 17% (from 2,951 during […]

daylight savings time

Daylight Saving Time Leads to More Fatal Car Crashes

Daylight Saving Time (DST) will begin on Sunday, March 13. There are reasons to rejoice about this change, and reasons to lament. More sunshine and more daylight after a deep, dark, quarantined winter is something to look forward to. Unfortunately, losing an hour of sleep […]

drunk and distracted driving

Spread Love, Not Car Crashes: Stop the 3 Ds Now

If you want to protect yourself on the road, protect the ones you love, and keep those around you safe, commit yourself to avoiding the three Ds: drunk driving, distracted driving, and drowsy driving. Any one of these situations can lead to car crashes, fatalities, and […]

women in car crashes

Why Women Are More Likely to Die in a Crash

Cars are made specifically for adults. But are they made equally for men and women? According to research gathered by A Mighty Girl, female drivers are 73% more likely than male drivers to be severely injured in a car crash and 17% more likely to […]

auto accidents during New Years

Avoid an Auto Accident During the New Year’s Holiday Period

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are high-risk holidays for auto accidents. Drinking and celebrating – then getting behind the wheel afterward instead of staying in one place – is a recipe for potentially fatal crashes. But the risk of New Year’s accidents last much […]

holiday drinking and driving

The Danger of Car Accidents on Blackout Wednesday

Blackout Wednesday has officially become a thing. And it’s not a good thing. Thanksgiving Eve has always been a time of togetherness, when kids come home from college, families get into town, and busy adults know they’ll finally have a day off work. It’s a […]

distracted driving halloween

Prevent Distracted Driving on Halloween

There is no way around it – Halloween is one seriously distracting night of the year. We all know this. There will be people in the streets, crossing the street, and wearing costumes so dark you can barely see them. While pedestrians have their own […]

causes of bicycle accidents

4 Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

The number of bicyclists on Michigan roads has increased exponentially thanks to a culture that is more eco-conscious and health-conscious than ever. The reduced emissions and increased calorie burns are excellent but with the good comes the bad. There is not always enough infrastructure to […]

school bus pedestrian accidents

Back to School Safety: Avoid Car and Pedestrian Accidents

Most kids are going back to school in person this fall. This fact also means that school buses are running their regular routes and plenty of kids are standing at bus stops or making the trek to school on foot or by bicycle. It’s easy […]

summer boating accidents

Ahoy! 3 Ways to Avoid Summer Boating Accidents

Michigan is home to 11,000 inland lakes and about 1 million registered boaters. That’s a lot of boats, and a lot of people, not to mention their passengers. In this time of COVID, when many are seeking outdoor activities that allow them to socialize and […]

protect kids from car accidents

6 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Car Accidents

Cars are dangerous for all of us. But, if used with care, they can keep our families safe and protected. Unfortunately, too many kids succumb to the dangers of cars every year, especially in the summer months when they get a little bored and start […]

summer accidents

Save Yourself from Summer Accidents

There is an uptick in auto accidents in the summertime because of more travel, distracted drivers, drunk drivers, and inexperienced drivers. But other types of summer accidents can be just as dangerous and even deadly. Find out when and where to watch your behavior – […]

teen drivers

Prepare Your Teen Drivers for Prom and Graduation Season

Every spring is a time of celebration for older teens because with the end of the school year comes prom and graduation. Unfortunately, these milestones are often accompanied by car crashes, which are still the leading cause of teen deaths. Take the time now to […]

distracted drivers

Distracted Drivers Are Lucky If They Haven’t Been in a Car Crash

Drunk driving is an epidemic, but it’s not the only major problem on Michigan roads. Distracted driving has become just as pervasive – and deadly. Though some drivers have been lucky and avoided close calls and fatal car crashes, most do not. Unfortunately, knowing that […]

prevent drunk driving

4 Types of Impaired Driving That Lead to Car Crashes

Impaired driving can present in different ways. You may not think there is anything affecting your ability to drive if you haven’t taken a drink, consumed a drug, or are otherwise under the influence, but if you are feeling different in any way, then your […]

motorcycle accidents

Tips to Avoid Blind Spot Motorcycle Accidents

One of the most common refrains when someone is involved in a car accident with a motorcycle is this: “I didn’t see them.” It is your responsibility as a licensed driver to pay attention to all parts of the road and all motorists around you […]

Hire the best personal injury lawyers in Michigan

Femminineo Law, PLLC is Michigan’s finest personal injury firm. He has succeeded in recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for victims of highway accidents, medical malpractice, slips and falls, and for wrongful death matters throughout the State of Michigan.

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