The word from the legal world

texting and driving

Can An App Prevent Texting While Driving?

The best way to avoid the temptation to text and drive, or use your phone at all while driving, is to put it in the trunk before you start your car. This, however, is a habit that busy people are not very likely to adopt. […]


The $11.5 Million Personal Injury Case: David Femminineo Garners Highest Reported Settlement in the State of Michigan for 2014

Traumatic brain injury victims suffer greatly, and many of them encounter trials in nearly every aspect of their daily life. Even a mild brain injury can be life-changing. Having a qualified personal injury attorney like David C. Femminineo on your side can make all the […]

truck accident lawyer

Commercial Truck Drivers Make Michigan Highways More Treacherous

Driving on the highway among semis and tractor trailers can be daunting and frightening. Many people reassure themselves with the knowledge that these drivers are trained to safely and properly handle such giant machines. As it turns out, many truck drivers aren’t all that experienced, […]

don't text and drive

Seeing Red: Remind Yourself Not to Text and Drive

Cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto accidents annually, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Because people seem unable to put down their phones, this distracted driving epidemic results in over 6,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries every year. The University of Michigan Transportation […]

holiday distracted driving

Safety Tips for Black Friday, Shopping’s Most Dangerous Day

Shopping isn’t typically considered a risky pastime. But Black Friday and the beginning of holiday shopping can be life-threatening. There’s even a website – Black Friday Death Count – that tallies the number of fatalities and injuries that occur because of the bedlam that surrounds […]

Halloween distracted driving

Distraction: The Halloween Costume Too Many People Are Wearing

Distracted driving is an epidemic. Turns out, distracted pedestrians on their mobile devices are a problem too. Researchers at Ohio State found that phone-related injuries to pedestrians doubled from 2005 to 2010. Those numbers are expected to double when the 2010-2015 data is released. What […]

distracted driving epidemic

Auto Accident Epidemic: Driving While Distracted

As the idiom goes, most people think they can walk and chew gum at the same time. But can they walk and use their smartphone at the same time? Or, more importantly, drive and use their smartphone at the same time? Many people attempt it […]

drunk driving penalties

Penalties for Michigan Drunk Drivers Are Increasing

Combating the drunk driving epidemic in this country is an uphill battle. But the Michigan legislature has made some changes in an effort to dissuade people from driving drunk again, particularly for the many people who didn’t learn their lesson the first time around. On […]

bad driving habits

Americans Know They Have Bad Driving Habits

In a recent Harris poll, it appears that Americans are quite aware of the dangerous behaviors they have behind the wheel, but many go right on doing them anyway. Whether texting, talking, or, alas, drinking and driving, there is a major gap between the behaviors […]

top cause of auto accidents

Drunk Driving: Still the Biggest Cause of Auto Accidents

With the many auto accidents being caused by mobile device distractions, drunk driving doesn’t get as much press as it used to. But the fact is that drinking and driving is still the biggest cause of auto accidents. In 2012, one person died every 51 […]

pregnancy at auto accidents

Pregnant? Auto Accidents Are More Likely

As if pregnant women don’t have enough to worry about, a new study has found that those with babies on board are at a much higher risk of being involved in auto accidents, especially during the second trimester. Pregnancy and Auto Accident Risk Canadian researchers […]

selfies and distracted driving

Selfies: The Newest Form of Distracted Driving

A selfie is when someone takes a picture of themselves that highlights what they’re wearing, what they’re doing, and where they are. Unfortunately, many of the locations of these photos are in a car – in the driver’s seat. If you thought texting while driving […]

distracted driving tips

Attention, Parents: Address Safe Driving Habits with Your Teen

Teen drivers have always been a dangerous wild card on the roads, and in this age of smartphones and distracted driving a teen’s driving decisions are further impacted. This reality makes it all the more important for parents to discuss safe driving habits with the […]

elderly driver accidents

Deadly Driving – Auto Accidents Caused by Seniors on the Road

Earlier this week, an elderly driver backed out of a parking space into a crowd of pedestrians and ran over seven people, killing three of them. Causing such a catastrophe in a parking lot while barely reaching any sort of acceleration gives rise to the […]

bad driving advice

Why Parents Are Responsible for Their Teen’s Bad Driving

Parents have a lot to worry about once their teens are legally old enough to get behind the wheel of a car – alone. The concerns are for their child’s safety, of course, and there are also financial burdens that accompany insuring a teen driver. […]


Auto Accident Victim Receives $520,000 Settlement After David Femminineo Wins the Case

After being rear ended, the plaintif in this case suffered a traumatic brain injury and herniated discs in her neck. Surgeries, injections, and numerous treatments for pain and suffering resulted in serious depression and anxiety issues that required her to be confined to a mental hospital. […]


David Femminineo Secures $145,000 Settlement for Motorcyclist

A split-second decision by one motorist to avoid a garbage can, wound up sending the can spinning into the path of Leonard Braund causing him to crash his motorcycle. It took three separate surgeries to correct lower leg fractures from the accident. With a 100,000 uninsured motorist […]


Femminineo Swings Into Action to Secure the Green

In the case of car versus golf cart, Gregory Shotwell found himself rear-ended and his cart tipped over with him in it. He sustained a full thickness tear that required surgery. With two insurance companies involved – one representing the defendant that drove the cart, […]

loud music and distracted driving

How Music Influences Your Michigan Teen’s Driving Abilities

Chances are, your musical tastes differ quite a bit from that of your teen. You may have played classical music or jazz for them in utero, but by the time they reach driving age, their preferences have undoubtedly made themselves known. And their choice of […]

drunk driving confession

The Drinking and Driving Video Confession That Went Viral

In his stunning video confession earlier this month, Ohio man Matthew Cordle confessed to striking and killing a man with his car after a night of heavy drinking in June 2013. In the footage that quickly went viral, Cordle begs viewers not to drink and drive. Cordle, […]

dangers for commuters

Are Commuters the Most Dangerous Drivers on Michigan Roads?

Distracted driving is the leading factor in most auto accidents and near-accidents. Given that so many car crashes occur on Michigan roads in the early morning and evening, it’s easy to assume that commuters are posing some of the greatest dangers to other drivers and passengers. Just […]

the most distracted drivers

Who Are the Most Distracted Drivers?

You might be surprised to learn that people with more education and income are more likely to suffer the consequences of distracted driving, from getting in a major auto accident to getting a ticket, according to a poll conducted by GfK Roper. Distracted driving has become […]

bad driving habits

Results of Bad Driving Habits: Auto Accidents and High Insurance Premiums

Everyone has a few bad habits, but when your vice comes in the form of poor driving behavior, it can increase your chances of causing an auto accident, which means that more than just your driving record will be tarnished. The following behaviors are what […]

get david get paid

David Femminineo Beats the Insurance Company: State Farm Ordered to Pay Unpaid Benefits in Full

Insurance companies have bad reputations, and for good reason – they often do whatever they possibly can not to pay benefits to insurance policy holders, at least not in full. But in the case of a recent Michigan auto accident claim case held in Macomb County Circuit […]

drunk designated drivers

Nearly 40 Percent of Designated Drivers Drink

The designated driver is the person in a group who agrees to get their intoxicated friends home safely at the end of the night. Unfortunately, the definition of “sober” is often assigned to the person in a group who is the “least drunk” of all […]

summer driving season for teens

Summer: The Deadliest Driving Season for Teens

The days between Memorial Day and Labor Day have been labeled “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers. The danger begins with proms and graduation parties, but the worry for parents will not end there. Summer vacation means kids driving to their jobs, to friends’ houses, to […]

breathalyzer apps

Preventing Drunk Driving: There’s an App for That

Sad irony or incredible intelligence? The newest technology for smartphones is called Breathometer: An app paired with a small breathalyzer device that allows people who have been drinking to conduct a breathalyzer test before they get behind the wheel. The Breathometer app, which is scheduled to […]

texting and driving habits

The Texting and Driving Habit Isn’t Getting Better

A recent study conducted by a branch of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that texting-and-driving has not dipped since 2010. In fact, it seems like some bad habits – such as young drivers using cell phones while behind the wheel – are actually on […]

what do do following an accident

After the Accident

Being involved in a serious accident can become a scary and confusing time. Here are a few simple steps you can take to organize and prepare yourself for upcoming events in your case. DO contact us if you have a change of address or telephone number. […]

drunk driving during prom

Prom Season: Protect Teens from Drunk Driving

Prom is a rite of passage, a way to celebrate the approaching end of a school year and, for seniors, the end of a high school career and the beginning of a new way of life. Sadly, prom also represents one of the most dangerous […]

Hire the best personal injury lawyers in Michigan

Femminineo Law, PLLC is Michigan’s finest personal injury firm. He has succeeded in recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for victims of highway accidents, medical malpractice, slips and falls, and for wrongful death matters throughout the State of Michigan.

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