Fall means back to school, but it’s also the kick-off for football games and pep rallies, bonfires and tailgating in Michigan. Whether you like to watch the pros, collegiate athletes, or local high school teams from week to week, this beloved national pastime brings with it potential injury, in many forms.
Playing Safe with Pigskin
Without a doubt, the game of football itself is responsible for a great deal of injuries – temporary and permanent. Broken bones, sprains, heat stroke, overexertion, paralysis, and even death can occur because of a bad hit on the field or a mishap during training. Professionals get hurt, and so do the old buddies who scrimmage at the park on the weekend. Accidents happen – protect yourself with the proper gear.
If there are young athletes in your home, advocate for your children. Too many health problems and fatal injuries have happened because proper precautions weren’t taken, particularly in extreme weather conditions or after a concussion or head injury.
Temper the Tailgating
Football fans are not immune to the dangers of the game either, but it’s poor judgment that often leads to fatalities and major injuries. Tailgating is a tradition in football, but the all-day drinking can lead to all-out brawls between fans of opposing teams. Some people don’t even make it into the stadium before an alcohol-induced altercation or accident occurs.
Far worse than the fights that can break out just beyond the field, it’s the revelers and partiers who take to Michigan roads after they’ve celebrated a win or a loss who are the most dangerous. Chugging brews in the parking lot or at the bar then getting into a car lead to far too many preventable auto accidents. When you are celebrating, or commiserating, always have a designated driver, or do your football-watching in the safety of your own home.
Football season in Macomb County, Michigan, is one of the best times of the year. This traditional American pastime and national obsession is exciting, but it lasts from now until February – and that is far too much time for people to make poor choices.
Contact Femminineo Attorneys in Macomb County, Michigan, to discuss a wrongful death case or auto accident case.